Why So Much Suffering

Why So Much Suffering

I don’t think I really have to tell you. But this world is in a real mess and seems to get worse day by day. The pain and suffering we see on the TV and all around us is not how we should be living. We should live according to God’s word, and we must not conform to the ways of this world.

I feel diseases are getting worse compared to when I was a young man. Or is it just that modern communications have made us more aware of them? Am I just imagining it, or are there more and more young and very young people suffering from cancers and other insidious diseases?

Are we polluting ourselves to death because of how we live?

Many people will ask, “If there is a God, why does He allow all this pain and suffering?” And that is a very fair and reasonable question to ask. God created a paradise in Eden. So what has gone so terribly wrong since then?

A Complex Problem

This is a very complex subject and requires a great deal of study to get the correct answer. The short answer, and one that some will reject, is this result is from sin entering the world? The full answer is obviously much more complicated than this and needs an open mind seeking the truth. Most people just accept that illness is a part of life to be endured, with no need to find a reason. But there is a reason, so there must also be a cure for the pain and suffering problem.

In the book listed below, I have explained the cause of our pain and suffering. But of course there are also the problems we are suffering from the physical world seeming to decay as well.

To understand what the cause of our pain is, and the world having earthquakes, volcanoes, and tidal waves. We must look into The Bible for the answers.

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