Christian Books | Literature

Christian books and literature

You can download all books I have made available here on this website. They are in PDF format.

Those that are available in printed format are available from Barnes and Noble. I will attach a link to those books.

Book Cover - immortal soul

To properly understand the immortality, or otherwise, of the human soul requires researching the scriptures with an open mind. A mind that is ready to accept what God reveals in His most amazing book.
The answer I have arrived at will be controversial, and most people who belong to a tradition church will have been taught a very different understanding of our immortality.

This book is available as an Ebook

Book cover, how long was Jesus Christ in the Tomb

Jesus Christ predicted the exact length of time he was going to lay in the tomb after he was crucified and buried and before he rose from the dead. This prediction is vital to understand because if he gets it wrong, then he is not who he claims to be. The Son of God. And what difference would it make if He failed to be in the tomb for the correct time He allocated? The answer is in this book.

This book is available from Barnes and Noble

The resurrection of Jesus Christ book cover

The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave is one of the most important events in the history of humanity. Many people just do not believe it actually occurred. Yet there is a great deal of proof in the Bible if you are prepared to read with an open mind.

This book is available from Barnes and Noble

According to your faith cover

Having faith is vital for us, but how do we define it? We will find the answer in Hebrews 11, the faith chapter. Every one mentioned here simply took God at His word and obeyed His commands. And for this, they were all remembered for their faith. Believing the word of God and acting on what we know is living by faith. Faith is not hoping something will happen, faith is knowing that it will happen.

Christian Books cover - do not conform

What does God mean by “do not conform to the ways of the world” and what might the penalty be if we conform? I feel this is one of the most difficult things for a new Christian to follow as it may cause much friction among friends and family.

This book is available as an Ebook

book cover, Only One Sign


Not any Christians realise Jesus only gave one sign he is the Son of God. If he cannot keep this sign, then he is not who he claims to be. But if he does, then he must be our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

This book is available in print form

Why so much suffering book cover

Have you ever wondered why this world is in such a mess? Why is there so much suffering everywhere? Few will believe the truth of this matter. It requires an open mind willing to believe the proof in the Bible.

This book is available in print form

The Rapture book cover

Do you know what “The Rapture” is and when it is going to happen? This is an extremely controversial subject with many differing answers.

This book is available from Barnes and Noble

living by faith book cover

What is faith? How do we live by faith? How do we increase our faith and trust in our God?

Christian Books Cover - having faith in God

It is imperative for a Christian to have faith in God. Without faith, we are not pleasing to God.

Facts About Faith book coverWhat is faith? Just a few facts about faith that you may not know.

Fasting and Prayer book cover

Fasting and prayer go together. Should Christians fast in this modern day?

Satan's attempt to defeat God book cover

How Satan has been trying to get God off His throne ever since the time of the Garden of Eden, and probably long before that as well.

The Lord's Passover book cover

There is a great deal of confusion about the timing of the killing of the Passover Lambs, and because of this confusion, it can impact how we relate to every other part of that day. I know the only place I will find the truth that I am seeking is in the word of God, in His holy bible. This means the entire bible, both the old and the new testaments.

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