Audio Files | Narrated by Leslie Rendell

All Audio Files shown on this page were written, published and narrated by Leslie Rendell. These books represent what he believes in these subjects after many hours of seeking the truth from God’s holy bible. You may not see things the same way as Leslie does, but that is OK. Please use these books as a starting place for your own bible studies.

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This is a question that has been asked for thousands of years, and we can find the answer in God’s words, the holy bible.

book coverThe rapture of God’s people is a very complicated teaching. The only way you will discover the truth is to search the bible for the clues that God has hidden in it. This book will be a grat starting place for your own personal studies.

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The pre-tribulation rapture and the teaching of the imminence of the rapture are both false and very misleading theories. Find the truth about these topics from this book.

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To find the correct time, Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected from the grave. You need to follow the activities of the women during these three days and three nights.

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Is it at all possible for us to “Be Holy”? Since this is a command from God, then it must be, but how does it happen? Get your copy from Barnes and Noble by clicking here.

Abraham Jesus and the Cross

Audio Files | Narrated by Leslie Rendell

What is the connection between Abraham, Jesus, and the cross? It may surprise you. Get your copy from Barnes and Noble by clicking here.

Satan is targeting Man’s Free Will

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When God created humanity in his image, he gave us some remarkable abilities. We are so totally different from other species here on the earth, and that includes the apes. By being created in the image of God, this gave us the ability to invent and build some amazing things. Look at the world around us, and you will see the way humans live is so unique.

Do We Have Immortal Souls

Book Cover, do we have immortal souls

Have you ever wondered if you have an immortal soul? The answer will surprise you, and mostly, it will actually shock you. The truth differs from the teachings of most traditional churches. Find the truth in God’s holy bible.

Have Faith In God


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It is essential we have faith in God if we are seeking His kingdom. I describe this in this audio book.

Mockers and the Return of Jesus Christ

Book cover - Mockers and the return of Jesus Christ

Mockers have been around for thousands of years. These are the people who will always want to ridicule and tear down anyone who has a different perspective on life.
Unfortunately, their numbers will continue to grow, and they will become more aggressive as we come closer to the last days as recorded in the bible.

The Law of Moses or The Law of Jesus Christ

Book cover - the law of Moses

Whose laws must we be keeping? The Old Testament laws of Moses, or the New Testament laws of Jesus Christ?

According To Your Faith

According to your faith cover

According to your faith should help you to look at faith from a different perspective. I hope you can come to view it as I have.

How Long Was Jesus Christ in The Tomb

How long was Jesus Christ in the Tomb

The answer to this question will be a surprise to many. But if you will believe the words of God’s bible, you will have to rethink what you believe about Easter.

Do Not Conform

Book cover - do not conform

All Audio Files Narrated by Leslie Rendell, on this website were written, published and narrated by Leslie Rendell.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world. What exactly does this mean for us today?


The Tearing of the Curtain in the Temple

When Our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross, it made a massive difference to the way we approach God. No longer do we need to confess our sins to a priest. We can go directly to the very throne of grace.


The Thief on the Cross Alongside Jesus

Book cover, the thief on the cross alongside JesusI hope you can gain some understanding from the Audio Files Narrated by Leslie Rendell, on this website.

The story of the thief on the cross alongside Jesus has a very important message for us today.

Teachers During the Tribulation

Book Cover - Teachers during the tribulation

Who will be the teachers during the tribulation? If all true Christians are going to be raptured before the tribulation starts, this only leaves false teachers to teach the word of God during these seven years of trouble. Is this what you want?

Is Being Fearful a Sin Against God

Is being fearful a sin against God - book cover

Being fearful about the welfare of your family is understandable. But being fearful about your faith in God is a sin.





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