Having Faith In God | What This Means

Having Faith In God

We all struggle from time to time with our faith in God. When times are good, and you do not have a lot of worries in your life, it can be easy for our faith to seem strong. Then, when troubles strike, our faith can take a massive blow as we ask God, “Why has this happened to me?” The only problem here is that it is when we are in these times of trouble, we need the strongest faith.

This is no time to be doubting God and His love and faithfulness towards you. This is when you need to turn to Him and trust Him in all things. Remember the following passage from the book of Proverbs in the Bible:

Pro 3:5  Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 
Pro 3:6  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 

Maybe we have a major health problem, or we have lost someone who was very near and dear to us. Something has happened in our lives to cause us much pain and suffering. This is when our faith in God and His goodness will come into question.

When our lives appear blessed, we may fool ourselves into thinking our faith is strong. But is it? As I hope to show you in this book, our faith will be truly tested in times of trouble or persecution. When we are in situations where our lives depend on how we react to certain people or circumstances. This is the Litmus test for our faith. Will we continue to trust God no matter what the world throws at us? Or are we going to give in and conform to the ways of the world just for a peaceful life?

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