How Long Was Jesus Christ In The Tomb

How Long Was Jesus Christ In The Tomb? Jesus Christ predicted the exact time he was going to lie in the tomb after he was crucified and buried, and before he rose from the dead. This prediction is vital to understand because if he gets it wrong, then he is not who he claims to be. The Son of God. And what difference would it make if He failed to be in the tomb for the correct time He allocated? When you read this book, you will find the answer to these questions, and the explanations may just surprise you.
There are many conflicting perspectives on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Naturally, there can only be one correct view. I needed to find the truth on this matter for myself, so I spent a considerable amount of time seeking the answer in the only place where I knew I could get the truth. And that is from God’s Holy Bible. I would not expect to find the truth in any other place. It has to come from the book we know as the holy bible.
If you are seeking answers to any of today’s questions on matters of faith and your relationship with your Almighty Creator. We can find these answers in His Holy Bible. After-all, He is not only the one who created all things, including you. He is also the author of the Bible.
This can be confirmed by the number of times it has been recorded for us in the Bible where God has said, “Thus saith the Lord”. This shows these passages of scripture were spoken by God Himself and recorded for all future generations, concluding to us today. If you want the truth on this matter, you must look into God’s word. Some people will disagree with me, but if they are using man’s teachings, as opposed to God’s teachings. Then who are you going to believe? I sincerely hope you choose to believe the word of God over man’s words and their traditions. Everything I write here I will back up with scriptures from the bible, and I hope you will examine these passages of scripture in your own bible to confirm what I write. Consider the words recorded in the book of 2 Timothy 3:16.
2Ti 3:16 Every Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness.
This refers to both the old and new testaments. They were both inspired by God and were written for our benefit.
It’s hard to unlearn something you’ve held as the truth for a long time. Your first reaction may be to refuse to believe what you are reading for the first time. You prefer the old understanding and are uncomfortable with the new ideas. This is where many will just refuse to read any further and give up. Their minds are already made up even before they start. Traditions from many years in a particular mind set make it hard to see beyond what they believe to be right. Whether they are right or wrong.
Therefore, it is imperative you listen closely to the words of God. Do not believe the traditions of man.

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