The Rapture | When Will It Occur?

The Rapture | When Will It Occur?

Is the Rapture a Pre-Tribulation event?

The rapture is one of the most misunderstood topics in the entire Bible. To add to the confusion, there are several theories being taught by various Christian groups.

First, we must answer the question, “what is the tribulation?”

This is seven years just prior to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to this earth. I found the evidence of this event in the Bible in several places. The books of Daniel and Revelation are the two major books. But there are other books that also allude to the correct time of the rapture. For a brief explanation, please read the message timing of the rapture to explain 2 Th 2:1-4.

Those who advocate for a pre-tribulation event believe they will be raptured just before the tribulation starts. People who follow the Mid-tribulation theory say the rapture occurs halfway through the tribulation after 31/2 years. Then there are those who believe in a post tribulation rapture of God’s Saints.

Find the correct answer

Finding the correct answer can be difficult, but it certainly is not impossible. You need to study God’s word, the Bible, with an open mind and honestly seek the truth. If you do this, then there is a very good chance that God will reveal the truth to you. But you need to be honest and truly seek answers from the Bible.

There are many people who believe one or the other of these theories without ever opening their Bibles. They rely upon the teaching of a man, usually their preacher, to teach them the truth about this matter. But obviously there can only be one correct answer, and therefore it is vital to do your own studies.

No-one should ever just trust the teachings of a man, no matter how good he may seem. Your future in the Kingdom of God is way too precious to leave it to someone else to decide for you what you must believe.

I hope this book can answer many questions you may have on this complex subject. May God lead you into the truth.


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